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Houston, Texas

PJ & Kathy Hanley are the founding pastors of Banner of Love Church in Port Ewen, NY which they planted together with their family in 1996. In 2018 they planted a church in Houston, Texas where they currently reside and pastor full time. PJ & Kathy also founded Turning Hearts Ministries and Understanding Bible Prophecy with a vision to equip the church for the end of the age. In addition to pastoral ministry in Houston, PJ & Kathy oversee Banner of Love Ministries internationally. They spend much of their time traveling, teaching seminars, ministering healing, training and equipping leaders, and planting and fostering churches. PJ has authored many books, and is constantly developing new materials for Banner of Love Ministries.
Port Ewen, New York

Michael Hanley is the senior pastor of Banner of Love Church in Port Ewen, NY. Mike has been with the church since its foundation and development. He has taken over the senior pastor role from his parents, freeing up PJ & Kathy to develop Banner of Love Ministries internationally. Mike is a passionate preacher, tenaciously proclaiming Biblical truth. Operating in a sharp prophetic gifting, Mike teaches schools and seminars, equipping believers in the prophetic.
Republic of Ireland

Wicklow, County Wicklow
Arklow, County Wicklow
Kyle & Rachel Chahanovich are senior pastors of Banner of Love Churches, Ireland. Together, they have a passion for teaching, worship, writing, prophecy, and healing ministry. Their message focuses on equipping the bride for the soon return of Jesus Christ, the healing of the Jewish people, and the restoration of Israel. Kyle & Rachel were raised up and sent out from the local church in Port Ewen, NY. In 2012, they planted a church in Wicklow, Ireland. In February 2022 Kyle & Rachel started a second church in Arklow, Co. Wicklow.